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Winter Garden


I love a garden on dreary days

The gentleness of green softened now

     by falling snow

Colors calmed

Even the ever-exuberant Lenten Rose

     only whispers

in the dimmer light

Time bends differently around my garden universe

     in the quiet of a cold gray morning

All the racing world stops

For a moment

Grounded by the peaceful magic of winter shadows

     breathing comes easy

And my Soul catches up with my Self

Slow is an elegant pace, don’t you think? Graceful. Comfortable. I so love elegance though my natural speed is fast. It’s hard for the energy in me to relax. Companions on walking trails urge me to slow down. I move quickly through the house, zooming through chores. There is so much to do! So much life to live! Retired now for almost seven (glorious, wonderful, amazing) years, I still make lists. So much I think I must accomplish. I think and talk in rapid-fire bursts that whirl in my brain.


The days ~ filled as they are with wonder ~ fly so fast it is easy to forget to simply Be. It’s a recurring theme for me. A cycle.

Get busy.

Get too busy.

Remember to remember the God-presence.

Breathe in the Spirit of the Divine.

Let the Goddess shower me with manifest splendor of be-ingness.

Relax my mind and my spirit to simply rest in this human body.

Remember the things I want to do.

Get too busy…


Be-ing doesn’t have to mean stopping. I can Be in the midst of all this Doing-ness if I only choose to. A deep cleansing breath brings me back to the Real of this moment, this Now, that reminds me: I am always connected to the Source of All That Is. I am part of Them and They are all of me. It’s the challenge of allowing my mind to quiet.  To remember the Light that is in Me. And to remember that the Light IS Me. And you.


Sometimes, especially when driving at dusk or on a dark night, I feel the substance of this Universe as I flow through it. Space becomes not simply the métier of place; it becomes a tangible, touchable Real. My body senses…touches…knows...Space as an intimate entity and I am part of it. I contain all of This as it contains me in its sheer embrace. It’s a hint of the Divinity that surrounds and embodies me, you, each and all of us. We are delineated by bodies that are Real and yet Illusion. Individual and yet part of a Whole that is huge. I am a tiny cell in the Universe. It’s all true! It’s all possible! Eternity is not only someday, Eternity is the Now I live now.


All of this from a sky-shaded winter garden that invites me to slow down in the chill morning and remember – I AM Real. So are you Real.


May the Spirit of All be kindly revealed to you on your journey this day. And may you know your Realness, that Divine part of you that has always lived, will always live in Eternity.

Original photo by Dorothy Barkley Bryson iPhone 8 December 25, 2020


TO CONNNECT. I would love to hear from you and learn how this piece (or any of my other writings here) resonate with you and your journey to finding your own deepest self, your own Real. While these writings are about my path, my hope is that they shine light for yours. You can email me directly at or you can also simply subscribe via the home page of this website. May peace and happiness be yours, always.

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