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Summer Storm

I danced in the rain just now

soaked with laughter

pelted with joy

baptized with Holy water


It began softly

a summer storm lullaby at the close of the sultry day

and as rains often do

it drew me to the porch shelter

where a cool mist of pleasure glazed skin and soul


But the rain grew bolder

a drumming pulse of remembered desire

like an altar call or a snake-charmer’s song

beckoning me to dance wildish

a downpour now insisting

demanding I join the tempest

calling me to the toe-tapping dance of Life

and Death

until I could sit no longer


Into the rain I ran

splashing to rhythms of thunder

pulsing with strobing lightening

spinning beyond the grasp of mere existence

alive in the vibration of living energy


Did anyone else dance?

It mattered not to me


Nor to the rain



I have had the worst kind of time pulling words to evoke the luscious pleasure of the rainstorm that soaked my body and soul a few weeks ago. Spiritual and sensual, it called from within my deepest being with orgasmic freedom to dance.


Poem or prose? I’ve tried both, and so far these are my better attempts to word the unwordable.

Original photo by Dorothy Barkley Bryson "Over the York" May 5, 2021, iPhone 8


TO CONNNECT. I would love to hear from you and learn how this piece (or any of my other writings here) resonate with you and your journey to finding your own deepest self, your own Real. While these writings are about my path, my hope is that they shine light for yours. You can email me directly at or you can also simply subscribe via the home page of this website. May peace and happiness be yours, always.

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