Just before sleep
I slip out into the night sky
To offer a silent chant ~
My gratitude for the day just done
And I turn
To the East
Where tomorrow’s sun will rise
fiery and alive
to animate my next wonders
To the South
Where the breeze has a sudden warmth,
that wraps me in cashmere hope
for spring to come
To the West
Where the sun was last seen
Night shadows remember my day
and now promise rest and dreams
To the North
Where coolness frees my Soul
with Wisdom
from the Source of All that Is
And I hush
To hear a rustle of leaves
whispering a Mother’s Love lullaby
Living is enough
Original photo by Dorothy Barkley Bryson. "Impressionist Night" iPhone8. July 14, 2022
TO CONNNECT. I would love to hear from you and learn how this piece (or any of my other writings here) resonate with you and your journey to finding your own deepest self, your own Real. While these writings are about my path, my hope is that they shine light for yours. You can email me directly at barkleybryson41@gmail.com or you can also simply subscribe via the home page of this website. May peace and happiness be yours, always.